The Marius Torres Route

The Màrius Torres Route offers you a return itinerary between Puigdolena and the centre of St. Quirze Safaja. The route passes landscapes and environments where the poet, and those who accompanied him, once walked. We will also visit the municipal cemetery where he is buried. The route has inviting scenery and offers splendid views of the Vallès plain and the Bertí, Gallifa and St. Llorenç cliffs and mountains.

The whole route is along ample footpaths (you will need to follow the directions for bicycles). However, there are some sections of narrow tracks: el solell de la Rovireta (on the main route) and the shortcut to Roques Codines. All these sections are in the same area.
*The route can be started from the town hall car park. From here, we need to head towards the Pujada de Màrius Torres (Màrius Torres Stairs), located behind the town hall and which lead up to Carrer Major, Sant Quirze Church and the cemetery. From here, the route is signposted and marked with blue markers.

* The route can be walked in either direction, however it is recommended to follow it in a clockwise direction.


Longitud: 2.6 km. Durada : 42 minuts. Desnivell: 60 m. Dificultat: baixa