Rafael Casanova Birthplace Museum
In the town of Moià you will find the house where Rafael Casanova was born (1660). He was the first minister of the city of Barcelona and a hero in its defence during the siege at the hands of the Bourbon troops in 1714. Currently, the house holds the Rafael Casanova Museum where you will find an explanation of the life of Rafael Casanova. The exhibits detail the history of the Casanova family and the town of Moià, as well as the figure and political and military activity of Rafael Casanova, focussing especially on the siege of Barcelona and the War of Succession.
In addition to the exhibit, the building contains the municipal archives and the Moià museum, holding archaeological collections originating mainly from the Toll caves.
C/ Rafael Casanova, 8 | 08180 Moià
93 830 01 43 | 93 820 91 34