Moianès tourism and leisure

el Moianès ve de gust!

The Moianès Turisme i Lleure (tourism and leisure) Fair is celebrated on the second weekend of October. This fair’s aim is to showcase tourism and leisure services in Moianès, as a sample of an active region. The idea is to show the wealth of the territory, both for its many tourist attractions and for its leisure activities and organizations. In the Moianès Turisme and Lleure Fair you can find a long list of services: agro-tourism establishments, accommodation, restaurants, holiday camps, tourist activities – golf courses, museums, caves, equestrian clubs... including entities and organizations of the region, such as geganters and bastoners (popular traditions), cycling clubs, hiking clubs, elderly people’s clubs, etc.
All the companies related to tourism and leisure in the Moianès region and central Catalunya as well as the companies devoted to traditional craftsmanship and local produce, have a place in the Fair.
The 14th Edition of the Fira Moianès Turisme i Lleure (2014) will be celebrated on the second weekend in October in Castellterçol.