La Ginebreda
La Ginebreda is located halfway between Moià and Castellterçol. We extensively farm forage varieties such as sainfoin, oat, field pea, and others. Our livestock consists of a 250-head herd of Ripoll breed sheep of, which supplies lamb to be sold year-round to butchers’ and restaurants in the Moianès region.
All our agricultural and livestock production is undergoing a process of conversion to organic production. No herbicides, pesticides or other toxic products are used in our crops. Our animals graze daily in the fields and woods of our farm and they are not administered any type of medicine, hormone or other product forbidden in organic livestock farming.
Our locally bred lamb is natural, tender and good for your health. You can buy it in butchers’ in Moià and Castellterçol.
Visit our farm to touch the lambs, while walking to the Ginebreda ice wells or the chapel of Saint Gaietà.
Responsable: Dirk Madriles
Productor: Xai ecològic, CCPAE
Mas La Ginebreda | 08183 Castellterçol
687 45 67 77