Sant Feliuet de Terrassola

The municipal district of Oló is peppered with churches and chapels in the Romanesque style. Sant Feliuet de Terrassola (927 AD) is particularly notable and it was restored in 1970. It has two naves with two apses and a tower that serves as a bell tower.
The church has been completely restored and was first recorded in the year 927. The building has two parallel naves with two apses. In the 13th century, a large square tower was added to function as a bell tower. The two naves are separated by three large arches held up by pillars from which the main arches that reinforce the vault emerge. The restoration took place in 1970.


Des d’Oló es pren la carretera que mena de l’Estany a Moià. Vuit cents metres després de la cruïlla es troba Sant Feliuet.

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